Sunday, November 12, 2006 Enhances Our Marketing Salary and Marketing Job Trends Section regularly publishes marketing salary surveys and monitor salary and hiring trends in our Marketing Salary Tools and Maketing Jobs Trends Section, which is useful whether you are seeking a new job, have an upcoming review, just want to monitor your value in the marketplace or if you're looking to hire new marketing staff. We're delighted to announce that we've recently made some major enhancements to this section and have partnered with to add a greater level of depth.

Our Marketing Salary Tools and Marketing Job Trends Section now includes a marketing job salary wizard that enables you to type in your location and find average salaries, salary ranges and job descriptions for similar positions in similar industries. Of course, our salary tools are not only useful for those seeking marketing jobs, they're useful for anyone marketing professional as a means to check your marketplace value -- especially before the next job review -- and for any manager tasked with reviewing or hiring marketing staff.

We invite your feedback on how we're doing, which features you like best, which you think could be better and your suggestions on features you'd like to see.

- Team

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